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Formal Traditional
Additional Info:
BULB RECOMMENDATION: Maximum 60 W per light bulb or equivalent LED bulb. Bulbs not included.
CUSTOMIZABLE HANGING OPTIONS: With the minimum required chain, the hanging length is 30inches. When using all of the included chain, the maximum hanging length is 102 inches.
MADE FOR INDOORS: For use in indoor spaces like kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, and entryways.
PICTURED HERE: Match our image using B10 Candle light bulbs.
Requires 6 E12 bulbs. Bulbs not included.
Bulb Feature Lighting en US:
Requires 6 bulbs; bulbs not included
Dim C Standard Ceiling To Bottom of Canopy:
Dim C Standard Ceiling To Bottom Of Canopy:
Dim E Standard Canopy Width:
Dim E Standard Canopy Width:
Light Diameter Feature:
Light fixture diameter 28 inches
Location Feature:
Rated for indoor spaces only
Sloped Ceiling Compatible:
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